Scroll-io is one of the best steps you can take to change your language learning process for the better. Two thirds of the language learning process is just learning thousands of vocabulary terms. But learning from generalized lists gives you tons of words that aren't relevant to your personal daily life. By helping you uncover what vocabulary is most relevant to your interests, Scroll-io drastically increases the efficiency of your language studies!
For the readers among us, Scroll-io also helps you by allowing you to compare the length and difficulty of different books, so you can make a more informed choice about your next reading project. You don't have to guess if a book is at your reading level anymore. With Scroll-io, all of the data you need is right at your fingertips.
Scroll-io is currently under development for Apple products and we hope to release that soon.
Find Specialized Vocabulary
Find the most common vocabulary that YOU need to know—no more learning from generalized lists! Now you can find the most important vocabulary based on YOUR interests.
Compare Books
Compare books to see which ones are easier or more difficult. No more guessing how hard a book is going to be to read! Now you can make an informed choice about what to read next as you work on improving your reading skills.
Quick Reference
See at-a-glance which words in the text you still need to learn, and exactly how many words stand between you and total comprehension!
Record Your Progress
Keep track of the progress you make! Stay motivated as you see the number of unknown words get smaller and smaller. You're on your way to true fluency!